
General Treasurer

Rev. Manuel Gouws got married in 1981 to Glynis, they have been married for 25 years. Out of the marriage three children were born. Melissa 24, Merlin 21, and Monique 10 years old. A grandparent to one grandchild, Kirsten aged 3.
He is the Pastor of a local church, Superintendent of a District and General Treasurer of the International Assemblies of God. He is also the CEO of two companies.
He was called into ministry in 1993 and completed his Bible School Training in 1995. He Pastored the local Assembly (Berea Temple) under the supervision of his father Pastor H Gouws from 1997 – 2005.
In the year 2006 he planted a church (Centre of Hope) a ministry focusing on the needs of people. God is blessing the ministry tremendously and he believes this is what God has called him to do, and that is to offer hope to our hopeless society.

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