Men’s Fellowship
Our vision is to engage all men according to their capabilities and competencies to build a professional and dynamic Pentecostal church through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and by so doing the Mens Ministry department will fulfill the great commission.
Mission Statement
To have an effective home mission’s department operating at all levels of the church.
To have an effective theological, educational, specialised and discipleship programs.
All ministerial and lay leadership to submit themselves to ongoing training and education to effectively serve the church.
To be indigenous, self-supporting, self proapagating and self-governing church at all levels.
To continually seek and understand God’s will for the church.
To seek co-operation relevant to God’s work.
To reach out to all races and communities.
A church that is sensitive to social responsibilty, i.e. community projects.
Value Statement
We shall not gamble
We shall avoid polygamy
We shall avoid sexual immorality and indecencies
We shall avoid spiritual idleness
We shall engage ourselves in social and economic development programs
We shall uphold Godly family standards
We shall tithe regularly
We shall financially support the church activities
We shall encourage the timid, help the weak and be patient with one another